Speaking Health over your Body

Lesson 5

Rom 4:17  As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.

  • I reckon that this is one of the most amazing revelation anyone can have
  • Abraham came to know his God as a God who calls things that are not as if they are
  • That does not mean that Abraham though God has dementia and gets confused and forgets peoples name or forgets what things are called
  • He is not forgetful or has a memory laps
  • He doesn’t call something what it is not, or call something, something different
  • But he had a revelation of the literal way God operates
  • God is the God who can create with the power of his word Heb 11:3

When God formed or framed the world, he didn’t need a Bunning’s hardware store to create the earth, he didn’t need raw materials

  • He created the world by the power of his spoken word
  • We get to frame our world by the power of the word
  • Because he is a God that calls things that are not as if though are
  • That word CALLS literally means to command, to call forth, it literally means to declare or to demand, to speak it into existence. Gen 1:3
  • The word “God Said”, has the same meaning to command, to call forth, it literally means to declare or to demand, to speak it into existence
  • When God wants something, he calls it forth, he commands it, he speaks it into being
  • God creates his world by the power of his word
  • I believe God is wanting to bring the church to the place that learn to operate ion that same realm as God.

Smith Wigglesworth came to the place in his life where he was able to say, If God said it, I believe and that settles it

  • I believe that God is wanting to bring us to that place where we take him at his word. Heb 5:12-14
  • Mature people train themselves by listening to the right stuff
  • Mature people train themselves by listening to the right people
  • Mature people train themselves by listening to the right information
  • Mature people train themselves by sowing the word into their lives

 Heb 3:12  See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.
Heb 3:13  But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

  • Salvation is just the beginning, maturity is the goal, heaven is the end result
  • We often think that evangelism is only to see the unsaved saved, but once we are saved, we have to make sure that our heart is evangelised in every area of God’s will
  • For us to stand in faith for healing it is vital that we know the will of God
  • It is possible to be a believer and yet have a sinful unbelieving heart
  • That is why God has given us his word, and in his word, we see the power of God and what God is able to do in and through us. Rom 12:2

I love that word transform literally means to supernatural change. Mat 17:2, 2 Cor 3:18 

God wants us to be supernaturally changed according to his word

  • Mature Christians want to be transformers not conformers
  • You can only be a transformer when you know the word
  • The tragedy is that most Christians spend far more time in front of the TV or reading the woman’s weekly or filling themselves with all sorts of junk instead of sowing God’s word into their lives. Mat 7:24-25

When the winds begin to blow, when the storms begin to rage, and the thunder clouds begin to gather over head

  • I want to make sure that I am standing on the word
  • To many Christian wait for the crisis then try figure out what God’s word says about their circumstances instead of sowing God’s word into the soil of your heart so when the storms of life come we have our foundation upon the word

It’s not what is going on around you that will determine the course of life but what is going on in you that will determine the outcome of your life

  • Abraham had an amazing revelation of the way God operates
  • God calls things that are not as though they were.
  • Did you know that Jesus said we can operate just like God. Mark 11:22-24

The word tell is the Greek word LEGO which means to converse, to chat, to communicate, to relate to someone

  • Jesus said, hey guys chat time, as we men would say, call it in, pep talk, I want to give you the game plan, Jesus said I want to tell you something, if any says, (epo’s)
  • The word say is the word EPO which means to bid, to calls, to make a command or a demand
  • Jesus said that we can say to the mountain to go and throw yourself into the sea and if he does not doubt it will happen,
  • We have the power to speak to our mountain, We have the power to command our circumstances, to demand they go and change according to the word of God

The church becomes powerful when people start saying, (epo’s) bidding, calling, commanding, demanding their circumstances to change according to the word of God,

  • We get to speak to our storms and say peace be still
  • We get to speak to our mountains and they have to go when we speak to them
  • We get to speak to our health, by his stripes I am healed
  • We get to speak to our needs, My God shall supply all of my needs
  • Jesus said, If you believe what you say you will receive it

Mat 8:5  When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help.
Mat 8:6  “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering.”
Mat 8:7  Jesus said to him, “I will go and heal him.”
Mat 8:8  The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.

Just say the word, just EPO the word,

  • Just say my daughter is healed and she will be healed. Mat 8:10-13

God has given you the power to change your world, to frame your world through the power of his word

  • This is why it is vital to train ourselves to listen to the right stuff, because what we listen to will determine what we speak in the times of crisis. Rom 10:17

I believe that God wants to bring us to the place where all we need is his word, just say the word

TLB Mat 12:35  A good man’s speech reveals the rich treasures within him. An evil-hearted man is filled with venom, and his speech reveals it.
Prov 18:21  The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Do you want to know the good news, you don’t have to wait for the winds begin to blow, for the storms begin to rage, and the thunder clouds begin to gather overhead.

  • You can be like God, you can begin to frame your world according to the word of God
  • Just say the word, begin to call the things that are not as if they are
  • Because the word has the power to save, the word has the power to heal, the word has the power to set free, the word has the power to transform your life

Rom 4:17  As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.

  • The word CALLS literally means to command, to call forth, it literally means to declare or to demand, to speak it into existence

Please complete and submit  this SOAP part of this devotional each week, we are looking forward to what God has revealed to you in His Word and through this Study.

As disciples we don't always need more information but we need new revelation from God. Is there a certain part of the teaching that you loved, that stood out for you or you felt God was giving you insight into it?
Discipleship is all about learning God says. What was something new that you learnt in this lesson?
Putting God's word into practice is the greatest thing we can do. Was there a lesson, a principle or a promise that you can put into practice in your life?
The greatest part of discipleship is taking what you have learnt and sharing it with someone else. What part of this lesson could you pass on to others?
If there are any questions or queries about this lesson or regarding the school of ministry please feel free to ask.