Mat 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Mat 28:20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

For you are coming into a season and time where you are beginning to see that there is an opening up and a going forth into the nations. For the Lord says get ready for having beach heads not only in the place of Rockingham but get ready for Sound City church in other places, for this is Sound City Church Rockingham, but get ready for Sound City church other places.
I feel the Lord is going to increase the leadership base of this house, for the Lord says you are both a Jerusalem and Antioch. For you will be one that gathers but you will also be one that sends, and the Lord is releasing such an increase upon you in Jesus name.
Prophetic Word , by Gary Morgan 2015

Hey Church God has given us an incredible mandate of going into all the world and making disciples. As a church we understand that is a project far bigger and beyond us but we also understand that as we get to PARTNER with other pastors and missions organisations around the world together we make a kingdom impact in our worlds.

Our Missions Mandate is two fold:
1: To support those doing missions in other countries financially and through prayer
2. To go overseas to help train up and equip pastors and leaders on the mission field

Ps Basilio in the Philippines

Gising Kabataan is a Christian organization with a vision to awaken the youth, for the glory of God, to awaken in and around Manilla: As a church they are having a huge impact in their region.

As a church they host the Pastors and Leaders annual conference to train and equip pastors from all over the Philippines especially from the rural areas that would not normally have adequate access resources, training and equipping.

Each hundreds of pastors and leaders gather to be trained and equipped. They have many different streams that they can choose to be a part of. For the last four years I have been running their leadership stream. Last year as a church we got to sponsor 5 Filipino pastors from the regional areas that are so hungry to be there but often finances is a challenge.

Ps Ashley and Anna Crane Missions to the Jewish Community

This past year has been an interesting ride! I was last at Sound City in May 2019 before flying out to Israel to again minister at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. A lot has changed since then! When ministering at the Garden Tomb in 2018 I met Anna Lewis from Beit HaMashiach in Melbourne, who was on a tour of Israel. To cut the long story short, Anna and I were married on one of the mountains that surround Jerusalem, on the road to Tel Aviv / Jaffa. Our wedding vows before God were said at Mevaserit Zion on 10th July 2019 and in a Messianic Jewish way.

Sound City Church has sent me out as “Minister-at-Large”, especially to focus on reaching the Jewish people. I have had a long connection with Celebrate Messiah (Australia), and Beit HaMashiach in Melbourne, and have been a regular speaker at their conferences and congregations in Melbourne and Sydney.

Since October 2019 I have been on the ministry team Beit HaMashiach, a Messianic Jewish Congregation that sits in the middle of the Melbourne Jewish Community. The services are held on Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath), and are done very culturally relevant in style and life-cycle. This does bring a richness and depth to the services and messages and life events. You can find my messages on Youtube under Beit HaMashiach Caulfield; note we use a lot of Hebrew terminology!

As Sound City Church’s ‘Minister-at-Large’ I do a lot of travelling. Much of my ministry is speaking in Churches about Jewish Ministry, about Israel, and the importance of reaching this often ignored people group.