One of the clearest signs that we are living in the last days.

Is that people lose the desire and passion to grow in the Word of God

We have a plan for your spiritual growth

Our Courses are a great way of growing in your knowledge of God’s Word so that you can be more effective in the Christian life.

The School of Ministry will be run online so you can pick a topic and work through it at your own pace in the convenience of your home. A Mentor will be available to help you as you work your way through each course.

Simply choose a course below and we will send out the first lesson to you.

If you click on each topic there will be a brief outline of the course.

All our courses are free


Is a course for those who are wanting to begin their Christian life with strong, firm foundations built upon the Word of God. This course is deliberately aimed at the head and the heart, for one without the other is the difference between heaven and hell.

You will find out about the pivotal truths and practices upon which your entire destiny and success in life will hinge. So, step up for the journey of your life!


This is a dynamic course that will help you to understand God’s plans and purposes for the church. God has an incredible destiny for every believer and your destiny is connected to His plans and purposes for the church.   God wants us to know how his family functions, the gifts we have been given to us and the church.

This course will help you to find out about your own unique part to play in the grand drama of life and how the Holy Spirit will help you to play an integral role in the church.


The term Ministry comes from the Greek word diakonia, which means to serve, ministry is the call of every believer . This is not a position as much as it is a posture of serving, it is a function that we do.

This course has been designed for those who want to take the call of ministry serious in your life and to be equipped for the ministry God has for you. This course will help you to make an impact on those around you.

Our Christian Development Online Courses

If you click on each topic there will be a brief outline of the course.


The bible describes your faith as more precious than Gold or silver. Jesus made an incredible statement when he asked when I return will I find faith. The question we need to ask is will he find faith in your and me. If you are  wanting to grow in your faith this course is for you.

Jesus said a wise man builds upon the solid rock. The reality is we don’t know what the future holds, we never know what life is going to throw at us, what we are going to face so now is the best time to build and strengthen our faith for the future


One of the greatest aspects of the goodnews of the gospel is that Jesus Christ came to heal every sickness and every disease.

This course will help you develop a great biblical perspective on healing. God’s plan was not that he could just heal you every time you get sick but that we would learn by faith to walk in health. Healing is not just something God likes to do, it is what Jesus accomplished on the cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. Healing is not a matter of believing God is able it is a matter of believe that he has already done it on the cross and we can declare that by his stripe we are healed.


2 Tim 4:3  For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

We live in a world where the devil has distorted and twisted  the word of God and it is vital that we have a clear understanding of what we believe and what we profess as Christians

We have some great video courses available

How do you leave a legacy?

Mark Zschech

How do you leave a legacy? In this four-part series from Pastor Mark Zschech, discover how to love people well and advance the Kingdom by using the tools and weapons God has given you. As you learn to lead as both shepherd and warrior, trusting in God’s perfect provision, you’ll begin to see how your obedience will set in motion a legacy that will shape the future of generations to come.

A Study of the The Book of Colossians

Louie Giglio

What we think about Jesus matters. Our perception of Him shapes us—what we say, how we treat others, even what we think. If we paint Jesus as any less than who He is as supreme over all creation and savior of the world, not only does our theology slip, but the working out of our faith also suffers.

A Study of the Kingdom Heroes

Tony Evans

Are you living by faith? Each of us must daily choose between giving in to the world’s pressure to trust in ourselves or yielding control of our lives to God. While following God’s directions when we don’t see immediate results can be difficult, the payoff will always be tremendous.

A Journey Through Psalm 23

Brad Bonhomme

Join Brad Bonhomme on a verse-by-verse journey through one of the most celebrated passages in the Bible, Psalm 23. David—poet, shepherd, and king—illustrates in this psalm how God meets our physical, spiritual, emotional, directional, relational, and eternal needs. These truths bolster our trust and confidence in His goodness to us, in this life and the next.

Just complete the registration below and we will forward you the links to the course.

If your from another church please let us know which one in the comments

Sound City Rockingham

Rockingham WA
5 McCamey Ave | 9AM