We trust that you where blessed by the message on Sunday by Ps Darrol
Our Churches Starting Point Step 2.
This is such a critical teaching on: Finding your Unique Gifts and Getting Involved
If you missed it, or would like to see it again
or if you know of someone that would benefit from this teaching please feel free to share this page or link.
The Big Idea
We were created by God, for God and to do the Good works he planned for us.
Key Scriptures
Mark 8:34-36
Matthew 6:31-33
Matthew 5:13-15
Ephesians 2:10
Big Points
The most fundamental part of the Christian life is a belief that we are created by God and for God.
We have been called to be salt and light by doing the good works God created us to do.
When salt loses its saltiness, it becomes useless.
When a light is hidden, it becomes pointless.
We are God’s Workmanship, Created for Good works
Your destiny is determined by your design.
It is our responsibility to manage our time so that we can fulfil God’s plan for our lives.
One day you will stand before God and give an account of your life to see if we did the good works God has pre planned.
Your priorities and what you did with your life will be revealed on that day.
Find out what your gifting is and get into a team where you can use and develop your gifts